New Name for Immune-Mediated Myositis (IMM) Test

To more accurately reflect the genetic mechanism that underpins both immune-mediated myositis (IMM) and non-exertional rhabdomyolysis, the name of the VGL’s DNA test has been updated from Immune-mediated Myositis (IMM/MYH1) to myosin-heavy chain myopathy (MYHM).

VGL-led Team Identifies Genetic Variant Associated with Distichiasis in Friesians

An interdisciplinary team led by VGL Director Dr. Rebecca Bellone identified a genetic variant associated with distichiasis in Friesian horses. This is the first identification of a genetic variant linked to equine distichiasis, an ocular disease characterized by eyelashes that grow from abnormal positions along the edge of the eyelid and often lead to corneal irritation and damage.

VGL's Dr. Rebecca Bellone Featured in Equine Veterinary Journal Podcast

In early April, VGL Director Dr. Rebecca Bellone joined the Equine Veterinary Journal podcast "EVJ in Conversation" to discuss catastrophic breakdown in racehorses as well as her recent paper, which found no evidence of linkage between catastrophic breakdown and the mutation that causes Warmblood fragile foal syndrome type 1 (WFFS).