Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions of Testing with the Veterinary Genetics Laboratory (VGL) effective October, 19 2022

Appropriate Tests Ordered: It is the responsibility of the client to order the appropriate and correct test(s) for the sample being submitted.  Some tests are breed specific and/or sample type specific, and all tests are species specific. By submitting payment and a clear instruction for testing, clients imply an understanding of the purpose and limitation of the testing being requested. If the request is unclear, VGL contacts the client for clarification prior to release of results. Depending on the state of the submitted samples, testing may be delayed or results withheld until requested information and/or payment has been received by the laboratory. There will be no refund for an inappropriate/incorrect test following the sample being received at the VGL. Information about VGL tests can be easily obtained by referencing the VGL website or contacting VGL- Customer Service at (530) 752-2211.

Deviations from Testing Methodology: Minor deviations in testing methodology may occur when technically justified and approved by VGL-Service, however if it is determined that additional testing or a significant change to the proposed testing methodology (and therefore cost) is warranted, the client will be notified and testing will not proceed without further consent.

Payment for Services: Payment for services should be included with samples received or prearranged (for example, online payment via MyVGL).  Samples will not be processed until payment is received in full which may delay the sending of results. The customer is responsible for all miscellaneous charges related to sample transport and fund transfers including, but not limited to, shipping, handling, packaging, duties, taxes, and wire transfer fees.

Results: Results are sent by email or fax.  If both destinations are provided, email will be used.  The VGL will make a best effort to deliver results to the email address or fax number provided, but due to factors outside of our control, such as spam filtering, the VGL cannot guarantee that results will be received.  Services ordered using the MyVGL website will have results available in your personal MyVGL account.

Results will not be provided over the telephone.  The VGL will only provide results to the email, fax, or mailing address on file. 

Any results that you receive from a third party should be verified at http://www.vgl.ucdavis.edu/myvgl/verify.html (requires login).

The VGL tests the sample provided and submitted by the client. The information on the report, such as the name of the animal and owner will be recorded based on what is provided by the client  Therefore, there is no guarantee that the animal identified on the result report is the animal whose sample was provided for testing.

Turn around Times: Most services indicate a number of business days (Monday - Friday) it typically takes the laboratory to send results once we have received the samples. The VGL will make a best effort to meet the specified turn around time with no guarantee. The VGL follows the University of California Davis holiday schedule, and most upcoming holidays are posted on the VGL website home page.

Refund policy:  Order cancelation is only possible if we have not yet received the sample for testing. In this case, a full refund will be issued if the request is made within 12 months of the order being placed. Once we receive the sample, the testing process begins and it is, therefore, no longer possible to cancel that order. Further, once results have been reported, all sales are final. When the sample provided fails to produce results that meet our high quality standards, we will request that a new sample be submitted from the same animal and perform one retest at no additional charge (new sample request). If a sample is exhausted before results for all ordered tests could be obtained, we will request a replenishment so that any pending tests can be completed on the same animal (replenishment request). It is not possible to cancel your order if you have received a new sample request (NSR) or replenishment request as we have already performed extensive testing on the initial sample provided. For more information, please see section title New Sample Request Policy or Replenishment Policy. In rare extenuating circumstances and at our discretion, we may provide a credit or a refund for pending results minus a $25 processing fee per animal. 

New Sample Request Policy: When we are unable to obtain a DNA result from a sample after multiple attempts this is typically due to insufficient quality of DNA provided during sample submission. As a courtesy when this happens, you may be sent a New Sample Request (NSR or “Resample”) form. When you receive this form, submit new samples for the same animal. You must comply with all additional requirements on the NSR form. This opportunity to submit a replacement sample is only valid if conditions on the form are met and only offered once per order.  If a sample is submitted for a different animal, payment will be due for the testing of that sample. Forensic samples, postmortem samples, and certain other samples will not receive complementary testing.

Replenishment Policy: If you add additional tests for a previously tested sample or additional sample is required to complete your original request, you will be sent a Replenishment Request. This request falls under the same conditions as the New Sample Request policy above. 

Data Usage Statement: Animal genotyping data and associated information collected at the VGL is used to advance the knowledge of animal biology and health. The data can be used, for example, to understand the frequency of mutations within populations so that recommendations for testing can be made or to assist in the development or validation of new tests. By testing with the Veterinary Genetics Laboratory, you consent to this and are helping to advance knowledge. Animal names, ID numbers, and client/owner information will be kept in strict confidence and not disseminated publicly.  

Sample Ownership (does not apply to Forensic Laboratory): Once a sample is received, it becomes property of the VGL for the purposes of storage and disposal.  The VGL will endeavor to store samples such that DNA is available for additional tests for a period of at least 5 years, but the VGL can not guarantee the suitability of a sample for any purpose.  As such, requests for additional tests may result in a request for a new or replenishment sample. Samples cannot be returned.

Sample Usage Statement: Samples accrued as part of our testing services may be anonymously used to help validate existing or new tests. This is a necessary component of the genetic testing validation process and ensures that the Veterinary Genetics Laboratory is offering the most precise tests possible and that we are providing the most accurate and up-to-date information related to our testing services. By testing with the VGL you consent to samples being used for the purpose of test validation. We will make every effort to not deplete the sample, so that it remains available to the client for future testing.  Animal names and ID numbers will be kept in strict confidence and will never be disseminated publicly. 

Optional Sample Usage for Research Statement: During sample submission, you may consent (opt-in) to your samples being anonymously included in novel research studies. With consent and consistent with the mission of the University, the Veterinary Genetics Laboratory uses samples for research purposes without releasing information identifying the animal or owner.  Research can identify novel mutations and/or advance animal biology and health. Furthermore, your consent allows the VGL to contact you if more information about the animal is needed for the research study. If you consent, and later choose to remove your sample from our research studies, you must do so in writing. Upon receiving this request, the Veterinary Genetics Laboratory will withdraw the sample from our research collection within 60 days from the date of receipt.  Data collected for any study prior to the date of receiving this written request cannot be withdrawn. 

Confidentiality Statement:  The Veterinary Genetics Laboratory releases test results to the client or organization that ordered the tests. With the Laboratory’s prior approval, the client may elect to allow (opt-in) the laboratory to share results with outside organizations. In addition to results, our reports include the animal and owner information (as provided by the client) and Official VGL Case Number.  When the Laboratory receives a request for parentage verification and Official VGL Case Numbers of possible parents are provided, the Laboratory will perform parentage testing for this purpose and provide the report to the client who has requested it. The data collected and results produced at the VGL are considered veterinary medical records. Except as required by law, the VGL will not otherwise disclose, publish, or disseminate any additional information.

Quality Statement Summary: Providing the highest quality and most accurate DNA testing services is of utmost importance to the Veterinary Genetics Laboratory (VGL). The VGL applies stringent quality control measures with many internal checks in place to ensure accurate and timely presentation of results. Improvements to existing programs are seamless as new instrumentation and other tools become available. As part of its mission, the VGL research and development sections actively work to improve existing assays as well as develop new, accurate DNA diagnostics for veterinary and animal genetic testing.  The VGL’s full quality statement is available here.

Complaint Process: Superior customer service is important to the VGL and every effort is made to resolve any complaint to the satisfaction of both parties. Clients have the option of filing a formal complaint by completing and submitting the Formal Complaint Form. Upon the VGL's receipt of a formal complaint form, you will be notified that the complaint was received. The complaint will be assessed and investigated, and investigating personnel will make a recommendation of the action(s) to be taken. If an action is approved, you will be given a progress report at that time. Once actions are completed, you will be notified via formal notice of the outcome of the complaint investigation by the Director or appropriate Associate Director.

Changes to this Policy: The VGL may make changes to this policy from time to time to reflect current practices and will update these terms when changes are made.
