Horses running on the racetrack

VGL's Dr. Rebecca Bellone Featured in Equine Veterinary Journal Podcast

In early April, VGL Director Dr. Rebecca Bellone joined the Equine Veterinary Journal podcast "EVJ in Conversation" to discuss catastrophic breakdown in racehorses as well as her recent paper, which found no evidence of linkage between catastrophic breakdown and the mutation that causes Warmblood fragile foal syndrome type 1 (WFFS).

Dr. Bellone's interview can be downloaded here.

A test for Warmblood Fragile Foal Syndrome (WFFS) Type I is available at the VGL


Bellone, R.R., Ocampo, N.R., Hughes, S.S., Le, V., Arthur, R., Finno, C.J. & Penedo, M.C.T. (2019). Warmblood fragile foal syndrome type 1 mutation (PLOD1 c.2032G>A) is not associated with catastrophic breakdown and has a low allele frequency in the Thoroughbred breed. Equine Veterinary Journal, 52, 411-414. doi: 10.1111/evj.13182

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