Shetland Pony Coat Color Panel

Red Factor

The extension gene, or red factor, determines whether a horse will have a chestnut base coat color or a black or bay base coat color.

Agouti (Bay/Black)

The agouti gene controls the distribution of black pigment, and determines whether a horse will have a bay or black base coat color.


Cream is a dilution that causes the palomino, buckskin, smoky black, cremello, perlino, and smoky cream coat colors.

Dun Dilution

Dun is a coat color dilution characterized by lightening of the coat, with the head, lower legs, mane, and tail undiluted. Oftentimes, dun is also characterized by "primitive markings" such as a dark dorsal stripe, barring of the legs, shoulder stripes, and "cobwebbing" on the forehead.

Gray Presence/Absence

The gray allele causes progressive depigmentation of the hair, often resulting in a color that is almost completely white by 6-12 years of age. This test will detect the presence or absence of the gray allele only and is included in the Coat Color Panel. For a more detailed test that determines the specific gray allele(s), please refer to the Gray Copy Number test.


The silver dilution dilutes black/brown pigment to lighten the manes and tails of black and bay horses to a flaxen or silver gray. The silver dilution is also associated with an inherited ocular syndrome known as Multiple Congenital Ocular Anomalies (MCOA).


Tobiano is a white spotting pattern characterized by white on the body that crosses the topline.


Mushroom is a dilute coat color found in Shetland Ponies that results in a distinctive “sepia” toned coat, often accompanied by a flaxen mane and tail.
Type of Sample


Type of Panel
