
Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS)

Five mutations in the androgen receptor gene, located on the X chromosome, are known to result in androgen insensitivity. Androgen insensitivity syndrome causes male horses to be sterile and appear phenotypically female.

Equine Familial Isolated Hypoparathyroidism (EFIH)

Equine familial isolated hypoparathyroidism (EFIH), previously called idiopathic hypocalcemia, is an invariably fatal condition that causes involuntary contraction of muscles and seizures due to low blood calcium concentrations in Thoroughbred foals.

Parentage/Genetic Marker Report

This DNA-based parentage test uses microsatellite marker analysis to compare the DNA profile of an offspring to the profiles of possible parents.

White Pattern Panel 2

The White Pattern Panel 2 bundles together all of the white coat color/pattern diagnostic tests that the VGL offers.

Lethal White Overo (LWO)

Lethal white overo (LWO) is a genetic disorder that results from two copies of the version of the gene causing the frame overo coat color pattern.

White Pattern Panel 1

The White Pattern Panel 1 offers diagnostic tests for a variety of white coat color patterns.

Horse Coat Color Panel

The horse coat color panel bundles together several diagnostic tests to evaluate coat color.

Horse Embryo Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis

Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is a procedure used to screen embryos recovered after uterine flush to determine sex and genetic traits through DNA testing prior to implantation in the uterus.
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