Donkey, Ass, Burro

Parentage/Genetic Marker Report

This DNA-based parentage test uses microsatellite marker analysis to compare the DNA profile of an offspring to the profiles of possible parents.

White Pattern Panel 2

The White Pattern Panel 2 bundles together all of the white coat color/pattern diagnostic tests that the VGL offers.

White Pattern Panel 1

The White Pattern Panel 1 offers diagnostic tests for a variety of white coat color patterns.

Horse Coat Color Panel

The horse coat color panel bundles together several diagnostic tests to evaluate coat color.

Horse Embryo Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis

Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is a procedure used to screen embryos recovered after uterine flush to determine sex and genetic traits through DNA testing prior to implantation in the uterus.


Tobiano is a white spotting pattern characterized by white on the body that crosses the topline.

Agouti (Bay/Black)

The agouti gene controls the distribution of black pigment, and determines whether a horse will have a bay or black base coat color.
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